Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Heat is On

Countdown to Burning Man: 4 Days

The beginning is near! I didn't get a chance to do anything Burning Man-related today, but I've got tomorrow off work (meaning our nanny is coming to watch the kids) and my plan is to print out our great big packing list--which has morphed into an even bigger packing list--and start organizing items in an anal and orderly fashion.

Fashion! Speaking of fashion, I'm resisting the temptation to go crazy with last-minute wig and jewelry purchases. Must.not.go.into.San.Francisco.tomorrow! But can I just say how excited I was to see a faux fur coat "ready for the Playa" for sale today on Craigslist for $200. Excited, of course, because I bought my faux fur coat at Goodwill for $15. Woo hoo! What a deal.

Speaking of spending money, tomorrow I'm also going to plan out our Playa food and go food shopping. I'll blog our menu with links to Playa-ready recipes. I'm going to do most of my shopping at Trader Joe's with smaller runs to Safeway and Whole Foods. Now that I'm over my gastrointestinal bug of last weekend, I've decided that I want to bring real food with us and not just live on trail mix and spaghetti-o's all week. Food is our friend!

Speaking of gastrointestinal bugs, let's talk about poo for a minute. Thank you to Sophia for giving me a link to Michael Bluejay's Burning Man Tips: Help for the Porta-Potty Shy. Lots of good information about a usually unmentionable subject. We aren't sure yet how often we will be able to use our RV toilet; we're hoping the RV place can clue us in when we pick up the monster. Remember, Black Rock City is not an RV park and we won't have any way to empty the black tank on the Playa once it's full. Our plan is to use the port-a-potties except for during the night and if we're holed up in the RV because of a dust storm.

I think that's it for now. Hold on to your faux fur coats -- we've got an exciting couple of days ahead of us!